Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 3?

So, you may have noticed that I didn’t, in fact, blog yesterday. OK, at least pretend you noticed. Home with TWO semi-sick kids all day left no time for running or even for writing about not running. And I promise that some day I will get to the explanation of why I’m even on this journey at all, but today is not that day.

Today, however, was a running day! Both kids were fully recovered from their various illnesses, and both (yes, the 8 year old, and the ALMOST-five-year-old) joined me on my jog/walk down the road and back. This was both encouraging… and depressing.

Encouraging for the obvious reasons; my girls were supporting me, we were all out there “doing fitness” together! And actually having FUN doing it! The younger one even held off whining until the very last leg (pun intended), and bounced along right beside me for most of it. The older one (almost nine, though I am SO not ready for that) was completely ready to do another circuit.

Discouraging, because well, they beat me. There, I said it! I ain’t proud of it, but there it is. Much greater is the motivation to continue now! Despite the sore shins (not splints, just muscles still slightly annoyed at actually being used); tingly, tired feet; and (gasp!) SWEAT, I had a pretty good time. I was still able to breathe by the time I was done today (yes, I actually remembered to medicate ahead… hide your shock), and I did not once feel the desire to collapse to the pavement. Of course that last could be due to letting the one with the 14-inch legs set the pace.

So once again I am measuring success by the fact that I got out there, and did SOMETHING more than if I’d stayed inside. Maybe eventually I’ll move onto a stopwatch, but for now I’m basking in my “binary success measurement system.” Now if I can just manage to put down the pita chips…

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