Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mystic Aquarium--Fun with Birds

Skot (and others) here are some of the pictures I took at the Mystic Aquarium's "Birds of the Outback" exhibit. You buy these little feed sticks, then go into the aviary and feed the birds. Pretty cool! Both of the girls loved it. Okay, pretty much everyone love it, except for Grandma, who stood outside the aviary, in the rain, taking pictures through the mesh...

For those of you who weren't part of the aforementioned discussion, it is worth noting, and may or may not impress you, that these pics were taken one-handed, without looking through the camera, due to the fact that I was also engaged in feeding the birds!

Ok, I know this isn't birds, but the shot was just so darn cute I had to include it. We've been to the aquarium three or four times so far, and for all the activities and touch tanks, they always end the day just sitting and watching the fish.

Hannah had a blast getting so close to the birds. She didn't like it when one tried to perch on her finger. I think the claws, though delicate, made it feel like the bird was biting her--she recovered quickly! She is fascinated with birds, at this point, though, they are pretty much all "ducks" in her mind.

Mairi did a great job feeding the parakeets that landed on her feed stick. She quickly learned that birds prefer a stationary perch! Besides the parakeets, their were also cockatiels, parrots, and many others that I can't specifically recall now. Mairi also has great interest in birds; she can accurately whistle two or three different calls! Incidentally, the fellow in the upper corner of the shot is my Dad, and no, he's not being obscene, he's focusing his lens, while trying not to poke himself in the eye with his own bird feeding stick.

We've been keeping busy here. Still a lot of unpacking and oragnizing, but we're fitting some fun stuff in, too. Next time I'll tell you about the North Stonington Fair, and our trip to a local swimming hole. For now I'm going to close the lid on this laptop and go do some more of that organizing.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Two girls and a box

Well, I have finally given in and joined the "blogging bandwagon." Thank you very much, Amy Martin. :) Apologies for aesthetic unpleasantness while I get used to how the formatting works here.

A surprise to none, we still have many moving boxes floating around. The girls have claimed this empty one as their fort. It's worth mentioning that many previous, well-used forts have already found their way to the curb and the recycling truck. Though the wardrobe boxes make the best tunnels, they pose quite a traffic hazard, so we've been exploring the uses of the smaller boxes lately.

Their favorite game, now that Hannah has finally figured out how to get in and out of the box by herself, is to package each other up and peek through the hole left in the top.

It's good to know that, even with all the electronics stashed around our house, they still have the ability to entertain themselves "out of thin air." Speaking of thin air, has anyone seen Mairi???